Patient Participation Group
Join Elmwood patient participation group (PPG) come and help make Elmwood even better for all patients!
The more voices we have, the more we can represent the differing views of Elmwood patients as a whole.
PPG next meeting: 26th July 6 – 8pm
What is the Elmwood PPG?
Elmwood PPG is a group of patients who work together with staff from the practice on a voluntary basis to promote the wellbeing of Elmwood patients and as a critical friend support the Practice in delivering the best possible care and service it can.
Joining the PPG
Anyone who is an Elmwood patient is welcome to join and we aim to be able to have a range of patients so as to represent the patient population as fully as possible.
If you are interested in joining the PPG then you can either complete the form or speak to a member of the reception team at the surgery.
What does the PPG do?
The PPG acts as a critical friend to the Practice, providing patient views with the aim of assisting the Practice in making improvements to the services provided.
Some of the aspects that the PPG is involved in include:
- Looking at patient survey results and identifying areas for improvements.
- Increasing awareness of new services available to patients.
- Looking at ways to improve access.
- Contribute to local campaigns which could impact patients.
- Liaise with other local PPGs.
- Attend local area meetings relating to other aspects of healthcare.
- Receive updates from the Practice.
- Promote the PPG to the wider patient population.
What happens when the PPG meet?
The meetings last for approximately two hours with tea, coffee and biscuits provided.
We currently meet approximately every 3 months where:
- We deal with any points arising from the previous meeting.
- Any current issues.
- On occasions we welcome a guest speaker chosen by the group to discuss a current issue relating either to the services provided by the Practice or another local healthcare provider.
- The Practice provides an update on changes relating to the surgery or other local healthcare providers.
- Any other business raised by members.
- The next meeting date is agreed at the end of each meeting
Any member of the group is welcome to request items to be added to the agenda which is circulated prior to each meeting.
What about contributing by email instead of attending meetings?
Not everyone has the time, mobility or wish to attend meetings. You can also contribute your views and ideas from time to time by responding to short questionnaires on your experiences as an Elmwood patient or changes that are being developed by email.
You can ask at reception for more information.