
Derbyshire WISH

Derbyshire WISH is a supported housing project which provides emergency, short term refuge for women and children experiencing domestic abuse. 

Website: www.careandsupport.ncha.org.uk

Karma Nirvana

Award-winning British charity supporting victims for 25 years.

Telephone: 0800 5999 247

Facebook: @karmanirvanauk

Twitter: @KNFMHBV

Website: www.karmanirvana.org.uk

Email: info@karmanirvana.org.uk

Karma Nirvana

Award-winning British charity supporting victims for 25 years.

Telephone: 0800 5999 247

Website: www.karmanirvana.org.uk

Email: info@karmanirvana.org.uk

Cross Roads Derbyshire

Established in 1979, Crossroads Derbyshire (previously Glossop Women’s Aid) has been supporting women and children suffering from domestic violence for more than 35 years. They have recently started to support men in an outreach capacity.

Telephone: 0800 0198 668

Facebook: @highpeak.womensaid

Twitter: @crossroads_hpwa

Website: www.crossroadsderbyshire.org

Email: admin@crossroadsderbyshire.org

Mankind Initiative

Helping men escape domestic abuse.

Telephone: 01823 334 244

Website: www.mankind.org.uk


The damage caused by child abuse doesn’t always end in childhood. NAPAC offer support to adult survivors and training for those who support them. We run support groups when there is funding to do so.

Telephone: 08088 010 331

Website: www,napac.org.uk